Leading With Love, Guided By Nature…

The whole of who we are deserves to be loved, seen and heard. Understanding who we are as nature brings us back to the original relationship we have with ourselves as the EARTH in oneness. This is where true transformation begins….. in the sacredness of life itself.

What I do.

As a Sacred Transformation Guide, I walk beside you as you return to wholeness through your personal development journey of….


    Energy Alchemy (Acupuncture, Guided Energy/Shamanic Healing), Herbal Medicine, Elemental Nutrition, Gut and brain Health, Qi Gong, Detoxification, Aligning with and embodying Nature Based/Elemental Wisdom and Earth Cycles, somatic practices for reframing and releasing trauma


    Personal and Spiritual Development Mentoring embodying Deep listening practices, Gene Keys Guidance, Active Imagination and meditation for revitalising our intuitive connection and evolving beyond current limited patterns and behaviours


    Understanding and accessing our ‘Wild’ essence, Resourcing and Imaging Future States through Regenerative and Emergent Life Design Strategies, sacred heart focused embodiment practices and rituals nurturing our essence and expanding our potential

The Magic of Energy Alchemy…

My focus is on the alchemical nature of energy and how we can intuitively co-create life from the wonder within us. Everything is energy, that’s the universal language I bring to our conversations in relationship to Ancient and Modern wisdom.

I believe in embracing “whole systems thinking.” You cannot separate mind from body or gut from brain. Nor can you separate the heart-mind-body from its environment. When we approach life from a living systems biology perspective, we can begin to understand root causes creating imbalance in our ecosystem and restore wellness, awareness and wholeness.

Sacred Transformation happens by Cultivating Wellbeing, Deep Personal + Spiritual Connection

I apply the 3 principles of Wellness, Awareness and Wholeness to the holistic process I use with clients. We journey together through these 3 focus points to cultivate harmony and balance. As we are all walking our unique path, I meet you where you are and we work collaboratively to cultivate and optimise your whole being. True potential begins with balance so we can go BEYOND.

My role includes both healing and resourcing to allow you to reconnect to your own innate wisdom and capability. We engage in practices that nourish our ‘being’ state through self-observing and self remembering. As your thinking and feeling capability (mind body heart connection) develops, your effectiveness and confidence expands and builds.


Energy Medicine + Earth Cycles

Herbal Medicine + Nature Based Wisdom

5 Element Medical Qi Gong and movement

Food as Medicine + Gut/brain health


Gene Keys Guidance

Vitalistic + Whole Systems World View

Personal + Spiritual Development Mentoring

Active Imagination Meditation Practices


Emergent + Strategic Life Design Processes

Ancestral Healing + Connection

Heart Focused Embodiment practices

Cultivating our Wild Essence + Potential

Let Go and Let Love

As we become more present to each moment and the rhythms and cycles of life, we re-establish and amplify a natural ‘way of life’. From here our innate body intelligence can begin to rebalance, self-regulate and heal our physiological, psychological and energetic ecosystem.

Weaving With Spirit

My passion is holding healing sacred space in which spirit weaves the medicine we need through our willingness and courage to heal, to gather, share and be humbly present to something greater than ourselves. Opening our hearts to these gifts and surrendering to the natural flow that arrives at the moment is all we need as the ‘wild unknown’ takes us on a journey beyond the noise into deeper places. Trust the process.